March 24, 2020
Identifying next steps in telehealth for your practice

Identifying next steps in telehealth for your practice

Identifying next steps in telehealth for your practice


The healthcare environment is in the midst of unprecedented times and regulations and policies are changing daily.  At Coronis Health, we created a COVID-19 task force to keep you abreast of the latest changes including Federal and State mandates.

The National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers (NCTRC) provides webinars every 3rd Thursday of the month.

Webinar on 3/19/20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1867&v=HtMYM9zdqM0&feature=emb_logo

Access to the webinar PowerPoint


Outside of your national organizations, state medical boards, state licensure boards and payor websites we recommend using resources from the NCTRC.

o   Telehealth COVID-19 Toolkit

o   15 step business model for implementing telehealth (pre COVID-19)

o   Telehealth policy issues (pre COVID-19)

o   Telehealth reimbursement (pre COVID-19)

Along with the NCTRC, there are regional telehealth resource centers (TRC).  These centers are on top of questions related to reimbursement, understanding policy within your state, consent forms required within your state and any specific coding regulations that are in place.  (Access to regional TRC https://www.telehealthresourcecenter.org/who-your-trc/)

Key takeaways from the webinar

  •       Although the federal government is loosening restrictions related to telehealth (HIPAA requirements, originating site locations, and technology) you need to be aware of individual state regulations.

o   Note, governors are approving legislation daily to reduce state restrictions so be diligent on where your state stands.

  •       Each state has specific language for what is required on consent forms.  Documentation should not change for telehealth besides identifying the type of software utilized; however, consent forms are required state by state.
  •       Billing will include standard CPT code (approved telehealth code) add POS 02 and use modifier 95 or GT

o   Note some payors are updating modifiers based on COVID-19; therefore, check with your specific payor for any modifications to the modifiers above.

  •       The provider needs to hold a license in the state they are providing services.

o   For example, if you hold a license in Indiana but during this time are visiting family in Florida.  You must hold a license in Florida.

  •       Double check with your malpractice insurer for telehealth coverage
  •       Telehealth Technology (TTAC) is a non-profit organization that provides technology support for telehealth: https://telehealthtechnology.org/
  •       For a standard E/M code, vital signs are not required; however, if they are essential to the patient, you can have the patient report vital signs if the patient has the correct RPM or other resources to check vital signs.
  •       Virtual check-ins as defined by Medicare, can’t see a patient for E/M code 7 days before.
  •       Recent CMS changes do not impact Medicare Advantage plans.

Additional helpful resources

  •       States waiving licensure requirements/renewals during COVID-19

O https://www.fsmb.org/siteassets/advocacy/pdf/state-emergency-declarations-licensure-requirement-covid-19.pdf

  •       Headspace is offering a free subscription to all individuals with an NPI number.


  •       CMS has dedicated an emergency COVID-19 page with up to date information from press releases to any changes


  •       MGMA members have access to a COVID-19 chat board.  You must have a login to access


We recommend along with the NCTRC, when choosing technology, setting up policies and building infrastructure, your practice plans beyond COVID-19 to implement telehealth.