On Friday, the President signed The Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law to provide $2 trillion in economic stimulus and financial assistance to address the COVID-19 pandemic. We sent out an email earlier today with subject “The CARES Bill Passes” that detailed the SBA Loan Program. In addition to the SBA program, Medicare is offering accelerated payments to assist practices with cash flow needs during the next several months.
Accelerated Medicare Payments
Most providers will be eligible to request 100% of the Medicare payment for a three-month period. Apply through your local MAC and payments should be received within 7 days of completing the request. The payback period will start 120 days after payment receipt and will be within 210 days of the advance. For more information: https://www.cms.gov/files/document/Accelerated-and-Advanced-Payments-Fact-Sheet.pdf
To access your MAC and apply for accelerated payments: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Contracting/FFSProvCustSvcGen/MAC-Website-List
SBA Loan – Paycheck Protection Program
To apply for an SBA Loan made available by the CARES Act, please refer to the Paycheck Protection Program page on the US Small Business Administration Site. Check back daily as the application process is not listed on the site yet. https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/paycheck-protection-program#section-header-0