January 14, 2020
5 Keys to Improving Patient Outcomes and Value-Based Care In 2020

5 Keys to Improving Patient Outcomes and Value-Based Care In 2020

5 Keys to Improving Patient Outcomes and Value-Based Care In 2020


Patient-experienceIncreasingly, medical practices are pressured to improve both patient outcomes and retain value-based care. The healthcare industry continues to transition from a fee for service model to one that is based on value and performance. It can seem difficult to improve patient outcomes while also delivering value-based care but this is something that Medicare and Medicaid have focused on. The shift has been palpable, but there is still much that can be done.

1. Make Diagnoses Better Informed

When a patient visits your medical facility, typically, the first few minutes of their interaction with a physician are devoted to a diagnosis which then sets the tone for the remainder of their time together. Following this model helps avoid incorrect treatment, unnecessary readmissions and non billable services.

Diagnostic errors are costly and are the number one reason malpractice claims arise. In fact, some studies suggest that as many as 12 million Americans are affected by diagnostic errors.

Identifying and preventing those issues that lead to diagnostic errors can improve patient outcomes significantly. Staff shortages or overworked medical personnel, for example, can often be addressed by a workforce management system that optimizes and organizes in-house resources.

2. Support Streamlined Treatment Planning

Invariably, diagnostic procedures result in more than one possible treatment. Selecting the right one significantly improves patient outcomes. Evidence-based practices that fuel clinical pathways are becoming increasingly popular as a way to garner better results at a reduced cost.

Thanks to the increased use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) as well as an unfettered flow of information between specialists and physicians, can support clinicians’ knowledge about a patient’s comorbidities. This approach allows practitioners to be cautious when implementing treatments that might be better suited for conventional patients but that might not be applicable due to the patient’s comorbidities.

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When combined with diagnostic imaging, robust monitoring and updated laboratory equipment support treatment success that is ongoing. Clinical monitoring will continue to gain importance in terms of both strengthening patient outcomes and increasing cost efficiencies.

3. Improve Transparency

The outcome rates of practitioners rest on the quality of their diagnosis, decisions regarding treatment and patient monitoring. When combined with transparency, medical practices are more competitive in an environment that continues to be highly competitive.

Implementing transparent practices might be recognized as methods of improving both patient outcomes and value-based care, but medical practices must also implement measurement methods. It’s worth noting here that quality metrics don’t often gauge quality. Instead, they ensure compliance with guidelines in the form of process measures.

One solution is for medical practices to actively engage their patients in the collection of data regarding their outcomes. Various hospitals across the United Kingdom have already successfully implemented this solution via Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) with improved patient outcomes.

4. Implement After-Discharge Services

Many studies have demonstrated that the discharge process is often where improvements are sorely needed. This is necessary for both medical practices and the patients themselves.

A recent survey noted that 14 percent of respondents in 10 world-famous hospitals received little to no follow-up information. This includes follow-up appointments or health warning signs they should look for after discharge.

Reliable outcome measurements that are also reasonable can go beyond the challenges faced by engaging with patients.

5. Focus on Connected-Care

At the heart of every well-run medical practice that is seeking better patient outcomes and value-based care is a strong and well-managed IT system. Given the range of options available today — and coupled with mobile technology — patients can be engaged effectively throughout the entire process from diagnostics and treatment to follow-up.

Ensuring that medical clinicians work only with providers that are properly credentialed improves patient outcomes and boost profits in a value-based care system. M-Scribe Medical Billing software is a proven leader in this growing space. From medical coding to payer contract review and account receivable services, M-Scribe Medical Billing supports today’s medical practices.
