February 11, 2020
10 Ways to Market Medical Practice Through Local Outreach

10 Ways to Market Medical Practice Through Local Outreach

10 Ways to Market Medical Practice Through Local Outreach


Medical-Practice-Management-StrategiesAre you looking for ways to grow your medical practice? While online advertising has a solid place, there is still something important about good old-fashioned community participation. Long gone are the days when the family doctor made house calls, but there are still a variety of opportunities to help local families while gaining exposure for your office.

If you’re not sure where to start, our team has put together a list of ideas to help you out. Here are ten great ways to market your medical practice through local outreach.

#1: Host an Open House

One of the easiest ways to reacquaint previous patients and help encourage new ones is to host an open house. Post the date and time of your event on social media. Set out various healthy snacks and refreshments. And have your staff on hand to answer basic medical questions. This is a great way for families to learn more about the practice in a comfortable setting and allows them to remember your location the next time they need to schedule an appointment. You can even opt to schedule appointments on-site for those who need a little more attention.

#2: Sponsor a Local Junior Sports Team

Another option is to sponsor a local junior sports team. This can be soccer, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, or whatever else you like. The key here is to not be a passive sponsor—i.e. on that slaps their name on banners but never engages again. Instead, offer to bring snacks to games or show up to an occasional practice. The more you’re involved personally, the greater the chance team member families will keep your office in mind when it comes time to schedule an appointment.

#3: Host a Lunch-and-Learn Seminar for Seniors

Looking for another way to connect with the public? Host a lunch-and-learn seminar for seniors in your area. This is a great way to answer questions and gain the trust of potential patients. Not sure you want to foot the bill for an entire lunch? Team up with other professionals in your area, such as estate planners and financial advisors to create a comprehensive event. You can even skip lunch and just make it coffee or tea. There’s a lot of possibilities here to customize an event that meets your needs.

#4: Check with Your Local Chamber of Commerce

It’s also a great idea to check with your local chamber of commerce for outreach ideas. The more active you are with your town or city organization, the more in tune you’ll be to potential community outreach events including festivals, parades, and more. Plus, you can build relationships with other professionals in the organization, which can lead to further networking. It’s a win for everyone!

#5: Provide Free Screenings to the Public

You can also offer free screenings to the public. These can include things such as simple blood pressure checks, diabetes screenings, or something a little more in-depth. Be sure to advertise your event well in advance to allow people to plan to attend.

#6: Help with the Homeless

There’s no doubt that homelessness is a nationwide epidemic and a lack of proper healthcare is often related. Get in touch with your local shelter or food pantry to find out where your services are needed the most. Then offer free basic wellness care to those who need it. You never know who just needs a bit of help to get on their feet.

#7: Sponsor a Run or Marathon

Are you into fitness and wellness? Consider sponsoring a run or marathon. This can be something as short as a fun run or as involved as a full marathon. Consider sponsoring a current local event or even hosting your own. These are great opportunities to help get the word out about your practice and encourage healthy lifestyles.

#8: Take Part in a Trunk-or-Treat

Although fall is a long time from now, a great way to get in touch with the local community is by taking part in a trunk-or-treat. Put together treat bags with free swag such as treats, pens, notepads, magnets, or whatever else you have in your office. While you might not see an immediate increase in appointments, these items can bring in

#9: Get in Touch with a Local Mom’s Group

Who often decides which family practice doctor to visit? Mothers, of course! Grow your list of patients by getting in touch with a local MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) group or other similar organization. Schedule a time to talk to them about important topics such as vaccination schedules, cold and flu prevention, women’s health, and more. Not only will they be happy to have a chance to ask questions, but this also gives you an opportunity to build personal relationships with families in your community.

#10: Host a Free Back-to-School Vaccination Clinic

At the end of summer, another great way to connect with local patients is by hosting a free back-to-school vaccination clinic. Offer patients the ability to get what they need so the kids can get back to class, such as basic sports examinations and more. As a bonus, you can even team up with a local optometrist to offer vision screenings, hairstylist for back-to-school cuts, or a dentist to provide basic cleanings. Take things a bit further by handing out free school supplies or collecting donations for a local school district.

While it does take a bit of planning, community outreach is still one of the best ways to grow your medical practice business. Creating these personal relationships often leads to a ton of word-of-mouth marketing, which can easily increase your patient count.

Ready to spend more time with patients in the local community and less worrying about billing? Working with a trusted medical billing service provider is key. At M-Scribe Medical Billing Services, we’re here to help with all of your coding and billing needs. Please call us today for more information at 770-666-0470 or contact us for a no-obligation review appointment.
